FPP - Fermentation Pilot Plant
FPP stands for Fermentation Pilot Plant
Here you will find, what does FPP stand for in Biotechnology under Medical category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fermentation Pilot Plant? Fermentation Pilot Plant can be abbreviated as FPP What does FPP stand for? FPP stands for Fermentation Pilot Plant. What does Fermentation Pilot Plant mean?The Biotechnology company falls under biotechnology category and is located in Bellaterra, Barcelona and handles biotechnology.
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Alternative definitions of FPP
- First Person Perspective
- Floating Point Pair
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- Foundation 'Popularum Progressio'
View 58 other definitions of FPP on the main acronym page
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- FFC Fathom Financial Consulting
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- FHL Forte Healthcare Ltd
- FCC Forest Creative Communications
- FCA Fortis Commercial Advisors
- FIUCCF FIU Center for Children and Families
- FCI Freedom Concepts Inc.
- FAWL FA Wealth Ltd
- FPC Federal Process Corporation
- FSI The Foundation for Social Improvement
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- FAG First Auto Group
- FFH Family First Homecare
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